Lions Club Projects

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Medal of Honor Monument Groundbreaking Ceremony

September 25, 2022

Medal of Honor Monument Project

The Everett Lions Club hopes to honor local Congressional Medal of Honor recipients with our Medal of Honor Monument Project. The Medal of Honor is the highest award which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States and is presented for valor in action against an enemy force. What an honor that two of the recipients were residents of Bedford County and part of the Everett Community. With your support, we hope to make this project a reality to honor our local Medal of Honor recipients.

Honoring Those Who Gave All

Everett has the distinguished honor to be the home base of two Medal of Honor recipients. We are one of the few, if not only, small towns in the United States to have this privilege. Sergeant Ellis Weicht was killed during World War II, and Staff Sergeant Robert Hartsock was killed during the Vietnam conflict. Thus far the men have been honored by having the two bridges in town dedicated to their memory. The members of the Everett Lions Club feel that more needs to be done to honor these brave Americans. In today’s culture, we need to recognize our veterans, and in particular, those who never came home.

Ellis R. Weicht

Rank: Sargeant

Organization: U.S. Army

Company: Company F

Division: 142d Infantry, 36th Infantry Division

Born: Clearville, PA

Departed: Yes

Entered Service At: Bedford, PA

G.O. Number: 58

Date of Issue: 07/19/1945

Place/Date: St. Hippolyte, France, 3 December 1944

Ellis R. Weicht was a Sergeant in the U.S. Army. Born in Clearville, PA, he was issued this high honor on July 19, 1945, for commanding an assault squad in Company F’s attack against the strategically important Alsatian town of St. Hippolyte on 3 December 1944. He aggressively led his men down a winding street, clearing the houses of opposition as he advanced. Upon rounding a bend, the group was suddenly brought under the fire of 2 machine guns emplaced in the door and window of a house 100 yards distant. While his squad members took cover, Sgt. Weicht moved rapidly forward to a high rock wall. Fearlessly, he exposed himself to the enemy action and fired 2 clips of ammunition from his rifle. His fire proving ineffective, he entered a house opposite the enemy gun position, and firing from a window, killed the 2 hostile gunners. Continuing the attack, the advance was again halted when two 20mm guns opened fire on the company. An artillery observer ordered friendly troops to evacuate the area and then directed artillery fire upon the gun positions. Sgt. Weicht remained in the shelled area and continued to fire on the hostile weapons. When the barrage lifted and the enemy soldiers attempted to remove their gun, he killed 2 crew members and forced the others to flee. Sgt. Weicht continued to lead his squad forward until he spotted a road block approximately 125 yards away. Moving to the second floor of a nearby house and firing from a window, he killed 3 and wounded several of the enemy. Instantly becoming a target for heavy and direct fire, he disregarded personal safety to continue his fire, with unusual effectiveness, until he was killed by a direct hit from an antitank gun.

Robert W. Hartsock

Rank: Staff Sargeant

Organization: U.S. Army

Company: 44th Infantry Platoon

Division: 3d Brigade, 25th Infantry Division

Born: 24 January 1945, Cumberland, MD

Departed: Yes

Entered Service At: Fairmont, W. Va.

G.O. Number: 58

Date of Issue: 07/19/1945

Place/Date: Hau Nghia Province, Republic of Vietnam, 23 February 1969

Robert W. Hartsock was a Staff Sergeant with the U.S. Army. Born in Cumberland, MD, he received the Medal of Honor on February 23, 1969 for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. S/Sgt. Hartsock, distinguished himself in action while serving as section leader with the 44th Infantry Platoon. When the Dau Tieng Base Camp came under a heavy enemy rocket and mortar attack, S/Sgt. Hartsock and his platoon commander spotted an enemy sapper squad which had infiltrated the camp undetected. Realizing the enemy squad was heading for the brigade tactical operations center and nearby prisoner compound, they concealed themselves and, although heavily outnumbered, awaited the approach of the hostile soldiers. When the enemy was almost upon them, S/Sgt. Hartsock and his platoon commander opened fire on the squad. As a wounded enemy soldier fell, he managed to detonate a satchel charge he was carrying. S/Sgt. Hartsock, with complete disregard for his life, threw himself on the charge and was gravely wounded. In spite of his wounds, S/Sgt. Hartsock crawled about 5 meters to a ditch and provided heavy suppressive fire, completely pinning down the enemy and allowing his commander to seek shelter. S/Sgt. Hartsock continued his deadly stream of fire until he succumbed to his wounds. S/Sgt. Hartsock’s extraordinary heroism and profound concern for the lives of his fellow soldiers were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Wayne Hyde

About The Monument

Our plan is to construct, and preserve for the future, a greater than life-sized bronze monument in the middle of our small town. It will feature both soldiers in their military-era attire, greeting each other.

What Is The Medal Of Honor?

The Medal of Honor is the highest award which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States. It is presented for valor in action against an enemy force. The Medal of Honor is generally presented to its recipient by the President of the United States of America in the name of Congress. To date, there are 3,507 recipients of the Medal of Honor.

Everett Lions Club Receives Significant Donation for Monument Project

As seen in this photo, Mike Conner, representing Everett American Legion Post 8, presented a generous donation to Everett Lions Club President Kirt Morris for the Lions’ Medal of Honor Monument.  The memorial will honor Everett’s Medal of Honor recipients Sgt. Ellis Weicht (WW II) and Staff Sgt. Robert Hartsock (Vietnam). The Everett Lions Club is extremely grateful for this generous donation as well as the many other gifts and support received so far, bringing us closer to the goal of preserving and honoring the legacy of these brave men.

Visit this page often for updates, progress reports, videos, and other information related to the monument project. Meanwhile, if you feel you can contribute in any way to this cause through donations, advocacy, or otherwise, please contact us.

Everett Lions Club President Mark Rakoczy accepts a unique one of a kind guitar from Mike Shaffer of New Enterprise. First glance causes one to ask what makes this instrument unique.  Mike, a longtime woodworker, crafted this guitar using several different types of wood. Additionally, the body of the guitar bears the signatures of 12 Medal of Honor recipients. Mike stipulated that this gift be used to forward the funding of the Everett Lions Medal of Honor Monument Project to be located in Everett.

Pictured above are Sgt. Ellis R. Weicht VFW Post #2088 Post Commander James Barton who is presenting a $ 4,000.00 check to Everett Lions Club members – Mark Rakoczy, President, Donald Sylvester, Secretary and Fred Baca, 1st Vice President. This generous donation allows the Sgt. Ellis Weicht & Staff Sgt. Robert Hartsock Medal of Honor Memorial Project to continue the move forward towards completion.


The Everett Lions Club thanks you for your support and are grateful for all gifts as they continue to support community projects benefitting our local residents.

As a 501(c)(4), checks made to Everett Lions Club are not tax deductible.

However, if you wish to claim your gift, tax deductible donations can be made payable to Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation

Please mail all check contributions to:
Everett Lions
PO Box 163
Everett, Pa 15537

All donations accepted on behalf of Everett Lions Club support Everett Lions Club, which is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt public charitable organization.